Volunteer with KRPI Radio and gain experience in Radio at many events and much more!
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Address (required)
City (required)
Province (required)
Postal Code (required)
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Your Email (required)
Valid Driver's License
Yes (if yes then fill in both boxes below)No
License Class
License Number
Are you legally entitled to work in Canada?
Have you ever been employed by, or volunteered with Sher-E-Punjab Radio?
If "yes", please specify where, when and your position or role?
List any previous and/or current volunteer activities outside Sher-E-Punjab Radio
Describe your main reason for wanting to volunteer. (Check all that apply.)
Gain experience and develop skillsDesire to help othersMeet people and networkInterest in community involvementEstablish work record and build resumeOther
If "other" please describe
Indicate the type of volunteer work that interests you. (Check all that apply.)
FundraisingComputer WorkClerical/Office/AdministrationSpecial EventsLive Events/Public Speaking
What is your availability? (Check all that apply.)
Regularly - once or twice weeklyLive Events - one to three per monthOccasionally - as neededSpecial Events (April)Once a MonthOther
Are you currently employed?
Employer Address
Can you provide a resume?
If "yes", click below to attach
if you do not have a resume, please provide a list of your work experience
What special skills, training or qualifications do you have that you would like to use in your volunteer role (eg. accounting, public speaking)?
What computer software programs do you have experience working with?
Which language(s) do you prefer to speak, write and read in?
Please provide 3 references as per the instructions below.
1. Present or former employers/volunteer agencies
Relationship to Applicant
2. Educational Institutions
3. Acquaintance belonging to a recognized profession who has known you for at least 2 years (to be used if #1 and #2 are not an option)
I certify that the information in this application is correct and complete. I agree to behave in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of Sher-E-Punjab Radio. I give my permission to the Sher-E-Punjab Radio to contact the above references and to obtain, if required, a criminal record check and/or a driver’s abstract. I understand that I will be advised in advance if a criminal record check and/or a driver’s abstract is required. I understand that if I am below the age of majority I must have my parent/guardian sign and provide their contact information below. I agree to the above (check box) Yes
If below the age of majority, please provide the following parent/guardian information Please note your parent/guardian will be called to confirm their authorization for your application.